Exposing your data as JSON-LD
Geoconnex can crawl data from any url with a valid HTML landing page and data output as JSON-LD in the header tag. You can create a custom solution for your data yourself or you can use pygeoapi, a free open-source tool, for the extract-transform-load (ETL) process to create a wrapper over your data and fulfill these requirements.
You have two main options for how to expose your data depending on your organization's technical capacity.
🗃️ Wrap your data with pygeoapi
3 items
📄️ Use a custom solution
For organizations with pre-existing landing pages for their data, it may be more convenient to add JSON-LD to their existing endpoints without spinning up pygeoapi or additional software infrastructure. This solution is particularly flexible. As long as you expose the JSON-LD and the associated landing pages properly, you can use any software infrastructure you like.
Once you are finished, you should have a JSON-LD document in the head of your HTML page, analogous to the following example:
For a more detailed description of the JSON-LD output expected by Geoconnex, see the JSON-LD reference section.
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": {
"@vocab": "https://schema.org/",
"ex": "https://example.com/schema/",
"locType": "https://www.opengis.net/def/schema/hy_features/hyf/HY_HydroLocationType"
"@id": "https://example.com/well/1234",
"@type": "schema:Place",
"name": "Well 1234",
"description": "Well at 1234 Place St., USA",
"locType": "well",
"subjectOf": {
"@id": "https://datasystem.org/dataset1",
"@type": "schema:Dataset",
"name": "Well Locations Dataset",
"ex:recordCount": 500