6.6. Mint Persistent Identifiers#

The process for adding a PID-URI redirect is generally similar to that used by w3id.org. Test build

There is a strong preference for creating “1:1” redirects. That is, specifying an exact redirect from a geoconnex.us-based PID to the URI of the hydrologic feature you have a web resource about, for each and every individual feature. However, if you need to create PIDs and redirects for a large number of features (>= 300,000), we will require a regular expression matching redirect. For example, redirecting from https://geoconnex.us/example-namespace/*wildcard-string to https://example.org/features?query=*wildcard-string.

That being said, 1:1 redirects are preferred where possible because they are simpler to resolve and allow you to customize (and change, when needed) your target URI patterns with more specificity. Thus, if you have >=300,000 features, but these features can be split in a consistent way into sub-collections, all of which number <300,000 features (as might be the case for features that can be divided by geography, jurisdiction, theme, or type), then you might consider submitting multiple collections of 1:1 redirects.

6.6.1. Adding 1:1 redirects to geoconnex.us#

The preferred way to create the redirects yourself is by following these steps:

  1. Fork the internetofwater/geoconnex.us repository.

  2. Add a directory corresponding to the namespace you want in the namespaces directory. For example ‘namespaces/example-namespace/

  3. Add a set of redirects using the csv template. You may consider adding multiple separate sets of redirects, as long as each set is comprised of <=300,000

  • The only required fields are “id” (the geoconnex URI you want), “target” (where the URI should redirect to), and “creator” (your email address).

  1. (Optional but strongly suggested) Add a README.md detailing contact persons and (a subset of) your permanent identifiers in your namespace directory. For an example, see namespaces/example-namespace/README.md

  2. Commit your changes and submit a pull request.

  3. geoconnex.us administrators will review your pull request and merge it if everything looks correct. Once the pull request is merged, the changes go live within ~ 15 minutes.

6.6.2. Adding regular expression redirects to geoconnex.us#

If you have a collection of >10,000 features that cannot be easily and consistently subdivided, you may wish submit a request for a regular expression redirect. To do so, you may create an issue of type “Request regex redirect” and fill out the template.

6.6.3. Adding geospatial reference features to reference.geoconnex.us#

https://reference.geoconnex.us is available to host community reference features. See the readme in the pygeoapi folder for more info.

6.6.4. Licensing of geoconnex.us contributions.#

The geoconnex.us project intends to be a public-domain registry of feature identifiers and reference information. The infrastructure used to host geoconnex.us is expected to be funded through an evolving funding source but the content of geoconnex.us is to stay dedicated to and owned by the community.