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The purpose of the location-oriented JSON-LD output is to give enough information about the location and the data related to it so that a water data user would be able to quickly determine whether and how to download the data after reading.

We will use the USGS Monitoring Location 08282300 as an example for the type of content to put in location-oriented Geoconnex landing page web resources and how to map that content to embedded JSON-LD documents.

There are three parts of the JSON-LD document:

Section 1: Identifiers and provenance

The first group of information helps identify the location and its provenance.

"@context": {
"hyf": "",
"locType": ""
"@id": "",
"@type": [
"hyf:HydroLocationType": "hydrometric station",
"sameAs": {"@id":""},
"identifier": {
"@type": "PropertyValue",
"propertyID": "USGS site number",
"value": "08282300"
"name": "Rio Brazos at Fishtail Road NR Tierra Amarilla, NM",
"description": "Stream/River Site",
"provider": {
"url": "",
"@type": "GovernmentOrganization",
"name": "U.S. Geological Survey Water Data for the Nation"


Here we construct the JSON-LD document by adding a context which includes the vocabulary, as well as the vocabulary which defines specific concepts in surface hydrology, and the ODM2 sitetype vocabulary which defines types of water data collection locations.

  • The @id element of in this case is a persistent geoconnex URI. See here for how to create these. It is optional if the "same thing" geoconnex URI in the next bullet is provided, in which case this could just be the URL of the web resource for the location, or omitted.

  • The @type element here specifies that is a Place (i.e. a generic place on earth), a Hydrometric Feature (i.e. a data collection station) and a HydroLocation (i.e. a specific location that could in principle define a catchment). The locType further specifies the type of location using the ODM2 sitetype vocabulary, which expresses the location type in terms of the feature of interest (e.g. a stream, a groundwater system). If the location is more meant to represent a general location about which non-hydrologic data is being provided, as might be the case with a data provider publishing data about dams, levees, culverts, bridges, etc. but not associated water data, then locType and hyf:HY_HydrometricFeature can be omitted.

  • The hyf:HydroLocationType can be used to identify the type of site with greater specificity and customization by using text values from any codelist, but preferably the HY_Features HydroLocationType codelist instead of identifiers. It can be useful to describe something like a dam, weir, culvert, bridge, etc.

  • The sameAs element is optional if the @id element is included as a persistent geoconnex URI. However, wherever possible, it should be populated with a Geoconnex Reference Feature URI. If all data providers tag their own location metadata with these, it becomes much more easy for users of the Geoconnex system to find data collected by other providers about the same location. Reference features of all sorts are available to browse in a web map at, access via API at, or to download in bulk as GeoPackage files from HydroShare. If your location does not appear to be represented in a reference location, please consider contributing your location. You can start this process by submitting an issue at the GitHub repository. In this case sameAs is a persistent geoconnex URI for a "Reference Gage". Reference Gages is an open source, continuously updated set of all known surface water monitoring locations with data being collected by all known organizations. It is managed on GitHub at

  • The identifier element specifies the ID scheme name (propertyID) for the location in the data source and the ID itself (value)

  • The name (required) and description (optional) elements are self-explanatory and can follow the conventions of the data provider.

  • The provider element describes the data provider, which is generally conceptualized in Geoconnex as being a data system available on the web. Note that under provider, in addition to an identifying name, there is a url if available for the website of the providing data system, and a @type, which is most likely a sub type of, which includes GovernmentOrganization, NGO, ResearchOrganization, EducationalOrganization, and Corporation, among others.

Section 2. Spatial geometry and hydrologic references

The second group of information provides specific location and spatial context:

// NOTE this is just the geo section! Not the entire JSON-LD
"geo": {
"@type": "schema:GeoCoordinates",
"longitude": -106.4707722,
"latitude": 36.7379333
"gsp:hasGeometry": {
"@type": "",
"gsp:asWKT": {
"@type": "",
"@value": "POINT (-106.4707722 36.7379333)"
"gsp:crs": {
"@id": ""
"hyf:referencedPosition": {
"@id": ""

We have added a context element gsp and three blocks: geo, gsp:hasGeometry, and hyf:referencedPosition.

  • gsp is the GeoSPARQL ontology used to standardize the representation of spatial data and relationships in knowledge graphs like the Geoconnex system

  • geo is the standard for representing spatial data. It is what is used by search engines like Google and Bing to place webpages on a map. While useful, it does not have a standard way for representing multipoint, multipolyline, or multipolygon features, or a way to specify coordinate reference systems or projections, and so we need to also provide a GeoSPARQL version of the geometry. In this case, we are simply providing a point with a longitude and latitude via the schema:GeoCoordinates property. It is also possible to represent lines and polygons

  • gsp:hasGeometry is the GeoSPARQL version of geometry, with which we can embed WKT representations of geometry in structured metadata in the @value element, and declare the coordinate reference system or projection in the gsp:crs element by using EPSG codes as encoded in the OGC register of reference systems, in this case using for the familiar WGS 84 (EPSG 4326) system.

  • hyf:referencedPosition uses the HY_Features model to declare that this location is located on a specific river, in this case the Rio Brazos in New Mexico as identified in the Reference Mainstems dataset, which is available via API at and managed on GitHub at All surface water locations should include this type of element.

What about groundwater?

Groundwater monitoring locations may use the hyf:referencedPosition element if data providers wish their wells to be associated with specific streams. However, groundwater sample and monitoring locations such as wells can also be referenced to hydrogeologic unit or aquifer identifiers where available using this pattern, instead of using the hyf:referencedPosition pattern:

"": {
"id": ""

USGS Principal Aquifers and Secondary Hydrogeologic Unit URIs are available from

If reference URIs are not available for the groundwater unit you'd like to reference, but an ID does exist in a dataset that exists online you may use this pattern

"": {
"@type": "GW_HydrogeoUnit",
"name": "name of the aquifer",
"identifier": {
"@type": "PropertyValue",
"propertyID": "Source aquifer dataset id field name",
"value": "aq-id-1234"
"subjectOf": {
"@type": "Dataset",
"url": "url where dataset that descibes or includes the aquifer can be accessed"

Section 3. Datasets

Now that we have described our location’s provenance, geospatial geometry, and association with any reference features, we now describe the data that can be accessed about that location. The simplest, most minimal way to do this is to add a block like this, which would be added to the bottom of the JSON-LD document we have created so far:

// NOTE: this is just the dataset section, not the entire JSON-LD document
"subjectOf": {
"@type": "Dataset",
"name": "Discharge data from USGS-08282300",
"description": "Discharge data from USGS-08282300 at Rio Brazos at Fishtail Road NR Tierra Amarilla, NM",
"url": ""

Here, we simply declare that the location we have been working with is subjectOf of a Dataset with a name, description, and URL where information about the dataset can be found.

However, it is often useful to include much more metadata about the details of the dataset. This allows users to

  • Filter for your data using more standardized names for variables, and by temporal coverage and resolution
  • Determine if they want to use that data based on the methods used (such as whether it is observed or modeled/forecasted data)

An example dataset section with more detailed metadata

"@type": "Dataset",
"name": "Discharge data from USGS Monitoring Location 08282300",
"description": "Discharge data from USGS Streamgage at Rio Brazos at Fishtail Road NR Tierra Amarilla, NM",
"license": "",
"isAccessibleForFree": "true",
"variableMeasured": {
"@type": "PropertyValue",
"name": "discharge",
"description": "Discharge in cubic feet per second",
"propertyID": "",
"url": "",
"unitText": "cubic feet per second",
"qudt:hasQuantityKind": "qudt-quantkinds:VolumeFlowRate",
"unitCodet": "qudt-units:FT3-PER-SEC",
"measurementTechnique": "observation",
"measurementMethod": {
"name":"Discharge Measurements at Gaging Stations",
"publisher": "U.S. Geological Survey",
"url": ""
"temporalCoverage": "2014-06-30/..",
"dc:accrualPeriodicity": "freq:daily",
"dcat:temporalResolution": {"@value":"PT15M","@type":"xsd:duration"},
"distribution": [
"@type": "DataDownload",
"name": "USGS Instantaneous Values Service"
"contentUrl": "",
"encodingFormat": ["text/tab-separated-values"],
"dc:conformsTo": ""
"@type": "DataDownload",
"name": "USGS SensorThings API",
"contentUrl": "'0adb31f7852e4e1c9a778a85076ac0cf')?$expand=Thing,Observations",
"encodingFormat": ["application/json"],
"dc:conformsTo": ""

Full Example


For more information regarding the underlying concepts, see the general JSON-LD reference page

Full location-oriented JSON-LD output (Identifiers, Geometric References, and Datasets)

"@context": {
"@vocab": "",
"xsd": "",
"rdfs": "",
"dc": "",
"dcat": "",
"freq": "",
"qudt": "",
"qudt-units": "",
"qudt-quantkinds": "",
"gsp": "",
"locType": "",
"odm2varType": "",
"hyf": "",
"skos": "",
"ssn": "",
"ssn-system": ""
"@id": "",
"@type": [
"hyf:HydroLocationType": "hydrometric station",
"sameAs": {
"@id": ""
"identifier": {
"@type": "PropertyValue",
"propertyID": "USGS site number",
"value": "08282300"
"name": "Rio Brazos at Fishtail Road NR Tierra Amarilla, NM",
"description": "Stream/River Site",
"provider": {
"url": "",
"@type": "GovernmentOrganization",
"name": "U.S. Geological Survey Water Data for the Nation"
"geo": {
"@type": "schema:GeoCoordinates",
"longitude": -106.4707722,
"latitude": 36.7379333
"gsp:hasGeometry": {
"@type": "",
"gsp:asWKT": {
"@type": "",
"@value": "POINT (-106.4707722 36.7379333)"
"gsp:crs": {
"@id": ""
"hyf:referencedPosition": {
"hyf:HY_IndirectPosition": {
"hyf:linearElement": {
"@id": ""
"subjectOf": {
"@type": "Dataset",
"name": "Discharge data from USGS Monitoring Location 08282300",
"description": "Discharge data from USGS Streamgage at Rio Brazos at Fishtail Road NR Tierra Amarilla, NM",
"provider": {
"url": "",
"@type": "GovernmentOrganization",
"name": "U.S. Geological Survey Water Data for the Nation"
"url": "",
"variableMeasured": {
"@type": "PropertyValue",
"name": "discharge",
"description": "Discharge in cubic feet per second",
"propertyID": "",
"url": "",
"unitText": "cubic feet per second",
"qudt:hasQuantityKind": "qudt-quantkinds:VolumeFlowRate",
"unitCode": "qudt-units:FT3-PER-SEC",
"measurementTechnique": "observation",
"measurementMethod": {
"name": "Discharge Measurements at Gaging Stations",
"publisher": "U.S. Geological Survey",
"url": ""
"temporalCoverage": "2014-06-30/..",
"dc:accrualPeriodicity": "freq:daily",
"dcat:temporalResolution": {"@value":"PT15M","@type":"xsd:duration"},
"distribution": [
"@type": "DataDownload",
"name": "USGS Instantaneous Values Service",
"contentUrl": "",
"encodingFormat": [
"dc:conformsTo": ""
"@type": "DataDownload",
"name": "USGS SensorThings API",
"contentUrl": "'0adb31f7852e4e1c9a778a85076ac0cf')?$expand=Thing,Observations",
"encodingFormat": [
"dc:conformsTo": "

This final location-oriented web resource includes this information: