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Ingesting data from ESRI Feature Services into pygeoapi

  1. Create a new section in the local.config.yml config file
  1. specify the URL for the service layer in the data field.

    • id_field will often be OBJECTID, objectid, or FID.
  2. If the map or feature service is not shared publicly, the username and password fields can be set in the configuration to authenticate into the service.


This is an example of just the provider section. Place this within a pre-existing collection block in the .yml file. For clarification on the general pattern of adding providers, read about the general pattern here.

- type: feature
name: ESRI
id_field: objectid
time_field: date_in_your_device_time_zone # Optional time field
crs: 4326 # Optional crs (default is EPSG:4326)
username: username # Optional ArcGIS username
password: password # Optional ArcGIS password