Outputting properly formatted data via templating
It is recommended to take a look at the geoconnex JSON-LD reference or the pygeoapi templating docs before beginning to template your data.
pygeoapi can leverage Jinja2 templates to change the structure of the JSON-LD data output.
- Templating is needed in order to change the default JSON-LD output by pygeoapi into either location-oriented or dataset-oriented JSON-LD output format for Geoconnex.
- To add extra templates, open your pygeoapi config file and create a new collection block that links to the new
you made for your JSON-LDlinked-data
An example template walkthrough
In this example we will show how to template the output of a USGS SensorThings API. This general process will be analogous templating your own data.
To follow along with this example, clone our sample repo and run docker compose up --build
Before we start, we first need to determine whether our example should be location-oriented or dataset-oriented. You will need to do the same for your own data. In this example it is location-oriented.
- Step 0: Set up your local config file
- Step 1: Investigate the default JSON-LD output
- Step 2: Create a jinja template
- Step 3: Apply the template via our pygeoapi config
- Step 4: Verify custom templated JSON-LD
First, make sure you are ingesting your data properly into pygeoapi. This is done by editing the pygeoapi config file. Check out the ingesting common providers section or the pygeoapi docs for more guidance on how to do this.
In this example we will be templating the data from https://labs.waterdata.usgs.gov/sta/v1.1/Things
# ... Rest of configuration file abbreviated for brevity
type: collection
title: Location oriented JSON-LD output for USGS Sensor Things code
description: United States Geological Survey (USGS.) SensorThings API
- Things
- SensorThings
# Don't include any templates for the time being until we've created it
# linked-data:
# item_template: usgs-location-oriented.j2
- type: application/html
rel: canonical
title: data source
href: https://labs.waterdata.usgs.gov
hreflang: en-US
bbox: [-170, 15, -51, 72]
crs: http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84
begin: null
end: null
- type: feature
name: SensorThings
# Your existing API URL goes here
data: https://labs.waterdata.usgs.gov/sta/v1.1/Things
We begin by looking at the baseline JSON-LD output from our pygeoapi endpoint for a particular. In our case, this is located at http://localhost:5000/collections/USGS/Things/items/'AR008-331856091114601'?f=jsonld
Depending on whether our end goal is location-oriented or dataset-oriented, make note of any important keys that we will need to take in and transform during the templating process.
In this case, since we are outputting a location-oriented JSON-LD, we know we will need data['monitoringLocationNumber']
, data['Datastreams']
and other related keys.
Save your original JSON-LD output as you create your new template so you can quickly reference the originals keys and format, even after the template is applied
"description":"Flow rate, well / AR008-331856091114601-177000bd9f6c45e5909c1729e4aab7b0",
"symbol":"US Gal/min",
"Name":"Operational limit (minimum)",
"ReferenceCode":"Operational limit - low-Public"
"Name":"Operational limit (maximum)",
"ReferenceCode":"Operational limit - high-Public"
"description":"Precipitation, total, inches / AR008-331856091114601-9aa77f35cea344a4a0e5715e05d057c3",
"county":"Chicot County",
"country":"United States of America",
"monitoringLocationName":"16S01W10CC1 CH-32 WU",
"@value":"POINT (-91.1969333333333 33.3169611111111)"
"title":"The landing page of this server as JSON",
"title":"The landing page of this server as HTML",
"title":"This document as JSON",
"title":"This document as RDF (JSON-LD)",
"title":"This document as HTML",
"title":"USGS Things",
The template below is an example of a custom jinja template for our baseline JSON-LD output. The source can be found here
- Any value in
{{ }}
signifies something that jinja may replace. {# #}
signifies a comment.- Any templated variable should be surrounded with
{% if %} {% endif %}
. If we do not do this and the key does not exist, jinja will throw an error and no JSON-LD will be output.
Your goal should be to make your template as generalizable as possible. For instance, we use {% for stream in data['Datastreams'] %}
to iterate through the Datastreams
array in the JSON-LD output and reformat the output data for each. However, in some cases if we do not have the desired data in the original JSON-LD output, we may need to hard code the info.
Consult the JSON-LD Geoconenx guidance for more detailed information on which keys are required in each JSON-LD output format.
In general your template should be simply moving around the structure of the original output to make it more easily parsed for Geoconnex. If necessary, data that you need but is not output via your API can be hard coded.
Too much hard coding in your template is a sign that you may not be taking advantage of all the ways to template your original data
"@context": {
"@vocab": "https://schema.org/",
"xsd": "https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#",
"rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#",
"dc": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/",
"dcat": "https://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#",
"freq": "http://purl.org/cld/freq/",
"qudt": "http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/",
"qudt-units": "http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/",
"qudt-quantkinds": "http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind/",
"gsp": "http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#",
"locType": "http://vocabulary.odm2.org/sitetype",
"odm2varType": "http://vocabulary.odm2.org/variabletype/",
"hyf": "https://www.opengis.net/def/schema/hy_features/hyf/",
"skos": "https://www.opengis.net/def/schema/hy_features/hyf/HY_HydroLocationType",
"ssn": "http://www.w3.org/ns/ssn/",
"ssn-system": "http://www.w3.org/ns/ssn/systems/"
"@id": "{{ data['@id'] }}",
"@type": [
"hyf:HydroLocationType": "hydrometric station",
"sameAs": {
"@id": "https://geoconnex.us/ref/gages/{# Was told to not worry about changing this for time being, no way to get this without a geospatial query #}"
"identifier": {
"@type": "PropertyValue",
"propertyID": "USGS site number",
{% if data['monitoringLocationNumber'] %}
"value": "{{ data['monitoringLocationNumber'] }}"
{% endif %}
{% if data['name'] %}
"name": "{{ data['name'] }}",
{% endif %}
{% if data['locations'] and data['locations'][0]['description'] %}
"description": "{{ data['locations'][0]['description'] }}",
{% endif %}
"provider": {
"url": "https://waterdata.usgs.gov",
"@type": "GovernmentOrganization",
"name": "U.S. Geological Survey Water Data for the Nation"
{% if data['schema:geo'] %}
"geo": {{ data['schema:geo'] | to_json }},
{% endif %}
{% if data['gsp:hasGeometry'] %}
"gsp:hasGeometry": {
"@type": "{{ data['gsp:hasGeometry']['@type'] }}",
"gsp:asWKT": {{ data['gsp:hasGeometry']['gsp:asWKT'] | to_json }},
"gsp:crs": {
"@id": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84"
{% endif %}
{# Since @id is the only key in this block, I am assuming we can just exclude the entire block if it doesn't exist since the block would not provide any info #}
{% if data["Locations"][0]["properties"] is defined and data["Locations"][0]["properties"]["mainstemURL"] %}
"hyf:referencedPosition": {
"hyf:HY_IndirectPosition": {
"hyf:linearElement": {
{# I am assuming we can hard code 0 since this template is location-oriented and thus all date is related to one location#}
"@id": "https://geoconnex.us/ref/mainstems/{{ data['Locations'][0]['properties']['mainstemURL'] }}"
{% endif %}
"subjectOf": [
{% for stream in data['Datastreams'] %}
{# In production we would have a function to map this to all possible types #}
{% with typeOfData= "Flow rate" if "Flow rate" in stream['description'] else "Precipitation"%}
"@type": "Dataset",
{% if data['name'] %}
{# We use the name since all datastreams are coming from the same location #}
"name": "Flow rate data from USGS Monitoring Location {{data['name']}}",
{% endif %}
{% if stream['description'] %}
{# Description describes what type of data that is being collected #}
"description": "{{ stream["description"]}}",
{% endif %}
{# This is hardcoded, since it is not provided in the raw jsonld#}
"provider": {
"url": "https://waterdata.usgs.gov",
"@type": "GovernmentOrganization",
"name": "U.S. Geological Survey Water Data for the Nation"
"url": "https://waterdata.usgs.gov/monitoring-location/08282300/#parameterCode={{ stream["properties"]["ParameterCode"] }}",
{# Assume here it is discharge, but ideally we would get this variable #}
"variableMeasured": {
"@type": "PropertyValue",
"name": "{{ typeOfData }}",
{% if stream['unitOfMeasurement']['symbol'] %}
"description": "{{ typeOfData }} in {{ stream['unitOfMeasurement']['symbol'] }}",
{% endif %}
"propertyID": "https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?search={{ typeOfData }}",
If there are many types of data, we have to just search since we can't be confident
that it matches the wikipedia name
"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search={{ typeOfData }}",
{# For USGS, ['unitOfMeasurement']['name'] is not defined, so we use 'symbol' #}
{% if stream['unitOfMeasurement']['symbol'] %}
"unitText": "{{ stream['unitOfMeasurement']['symbol'] }}",
{% endif %}
{# These need to be hardcoded, qudt does not seem to be output by USGS with pygeoapi #}
{# In production we would map {{ typeOfData }} to a dict that outputs the well defined qudt value #}
"qudt:hasQuantityKind": "qudt-quantkinds:VolumeFlowRate",
"unitCode": "qudt-units:FT3-PER-SEC",
"measurementTechnique": "observation",
"measurementMethod": {
{# Assume gaging stations but this is not provided in the raw jsonld#}
"name": "{{ typeOfData }} Measurements at Gaging Stations",
"publisher": "U.S. Geological Survey",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.3133/tm3A8"
{% if stream['observedArea'] is defined and stream['observedArea']['phenomenonTime'] %}
"temporalCoverage": "{{ stream['observedArea']['phenomenonTime'] }}",
{% endif %}
{# dc and dcat are not provided in the raw jsonld, must be hardcoded #}
"dc:accrualPeriodicity": "freq:daily",
"dcat:temporalResolution": {"@value":"PT15M","@type":"xsd:duration"},
"distribution": [
"@type": "DataDownload",
"name": "USGS Instantaneous Values Service",
{#`sites` is the same as the Thing id but the hyphen is replaced by a colon. if there is no hyphen, then you just pipe in the thing id #}
{# We then need to remove the surrounding '' to make sure the query is properly formatted #}
"contentUrl": "https://waterservices.usgs.gov/nwis/iv/?sites={{data['id'] | replace("-", ":" ) | replace("'", "")}}¶meterCd={{ stream["properties"]["ParameterCode"] }}&format=rdb",
"encodingFormat": [
"dc:conformsTo": "https://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2003/ofr03123/6.4rdb_format.pdf"
"@type": "DataDownload",
"name": "USGS SensorThings API",
"contentUrl": "https://labs.waterdata.usgs.gov/sta/v1.1/Datastreams('{{stream['@iot.id']}}')?$expand=Thing,Observations",
"encodingFormat": [
"dc:conformsTo": "https://labs.waterdata.usgs.gov/docs/sensorthings/index.html"
{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endwith %}
{% endfor %}
Once we have started to create our template, we need to apply it to the raw JSON-LD output so we can verify our results are expected and fix on any errors we may have made while templating.
To do this, add a linked-data:
section to our pygeoapi config which links to the template we want to use when outputting our JSON-LD data for that particular collection.
# ... Rest of configuration file abbreviated for brevity
type: collection
title: Location oriented JSON-LD output for USGS Sensor Things code
description: United States Geological Survey (USGS.) SensorThings API
- Things
- SensorThings
# New section for linked data templating
item_template: usgs-location-oriented.j2
- type: application/html
rel: canonical
title: data source
href: https://labs.waterdata.usgs.gov
hreflang: en-US
bbox: [-170, 15, -51, 72]
crs: http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84
begin: null
end: null
- type: feature
name: SensorThings
data: https://labs.waterdata.usgs.gov/sta/v1.1/Things
Now that we have templated our data, we can visit the JSON-LD endpoint at http://localhost:5000/collections/USGS-LocationOriented/Things/items/'AR008-331856091114601'?f=jsonld and it should now output the data in our new format.
You may have to rebuild the pygeoapi docker image to reapply the configuration if you are not finding it still shows old data.
"hyf:HydroLocationType":"hydrometric station",
"propertyID":"USGS site number",
"name":"U.S. Geological Survey Water Data for the Nation"
"@value":"POINT (-91.1969333333333 33.3169611111111)"
"name":"Flow rate data from USGS Monitoring Location AR008-331856091114601",
"description":"Flow rate, well / AR008-331856091114601-177000bd9f6c45e5909c1729e4aab7b0",
"name":"U.S. Geological Survey Water Data for the Nation"
"name":"Flow rate",
"description":"Flow rate in US Gal/min",
"propertyID":"https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?search=Flow rate",
"url":"https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=Flow rate",
"unitText":"US Gal/min",
"name":"Flow rate Measurements at Gaging Stations",
"publisher":"U.S. Geological Survey",
"name":"USGS Instantaneous Values Service",
"name":"USGS SensorThings API",
"name":"Flow rate data from USGS Monitoring Location AR008-331856091114601",
"description":"Precipitation, total, inches / AR008-331856091114601-9aa77f35cea344a4a0e5715e05d057c3",
"name":"U.S. Geological Survey Water Data for the Nation"
"description":"Precipitation in in",
"name":"Precipitation Measurements at Gaging Stations",
"publisher":"U.S. Geological Survey",
"name":"USGS Instantaneous Values Service",
"name":"USGS SensorThings API",