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Overview of Geoconnex Architecture

System Components within

The system includes multiple infrastructural components that are each necessary to achieve a robust, queryable, and stable knowledge graph for water data.

  1. The Persistent Identifier Registry helps data publishers mint persistent identifiers and create a system that is stable, even if the underlying resources change
  2. The Sitemap of all identifiers to allows a crawler to easily traverse all websites in the network
  3. The Harvester collects structured data so that it can be exported as knowledge graph triplets
  4. The Knowledge Graph allows data users to interact with linked data through a search interfaces

Populating the Graph

The Geoconnex knowledge graph is populated by the following process:

  1. An organization creates an endpoint for their water data and associates a list of persistent identifiers with their endpoints
  2. The organization submits a pull request or submits the form at to upload their data
  3. The Geoconnex harvester finds the endpoints via their published PIDs and downloads the JSON-LD for each endpoint
  4. Using the JSON-LD data, the Geoconnex crawler produces semantic triples in the PROV Ontology
  5. The Geoconnex crawler populates the Geoconnex graph database

A Visual Representation of the Geoconnex Architecture

architecture diagram