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Geoconnex Repositories

Software, infrastrucure, and documentation

Repo nameDescription
geoconnex.usPID registry for hydrologic, environmental, and administrative features
register.geoconnex.usHelper web application for submitting PIDs to Geoconenx without a GitHub account
about.geoconnex.usAn overview of all geoconnex repos
pids.geoconnex.usDevelopment and deployment of PID server, database, and sitemap.xml assets
harvest.geoconnex.usCustomization and deployment of gleaner for harvesting linked data
docs.geoconnex.usDeveloping best practices and guidance for data publishers
reference.geoconnex.usCommunity reference features using OGC API Features


Reference feature development (i.e. data curation)

Repo NameDescription
internetofwater/ref_gagesDeveloping the reference gages dataset available at
internetofwater/ref_damsDeveloping the reference gages dataset available at